Tuesday, January 31, 2012

more Vintage Yerevan

Jewels from 1960s Yerevan... even the packaging is in tact :) makes vintage jewelry shopping in the rain more fun!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Vintage Yerevan

Suzy, my vintage jewelry expert/one of my favorite people, made this ring for me. It's a 1940's heal protector she found in a shoe repairman's miscellaneous-old-things box. This piece is rare, especially because it's embossed with an image of an Armenian woman wearing a crown and pouring water from a jug. I simply love it.

The Red Apple

I have been working on this documentary for 4 years. In all this time, Armenia is finally addressing the issue of gender-based abortion. I was waiting until my film got full funding to edit, but I see that this isn't a cause that can wait any longer. Here is the 5 minute demo... let's hope for the full length version to come out sooner than later.

In case the video isn't showing properly, here is the link:


Your support can make a HUGE impact!! I am looking for finishing funds to complete this documentary about gender selection abortion in Armenia. The stories these women have shared with me for this film are sacred, and with the support of people like yourself, I am determined to use their voices to challenge gendercide in Armenia and the world.

On behalf of Armenia Fund, you can send your tax-deductible donations to:

Armenia Fund U.S. Western Region
111 N Jackson St, Ste 205
Glendale, CA 91206

with a note "Sose Women Issues", which is the name of the non-profit we work with in Armenia. Armenia Fund will allocate 100% of these donations to Adrineh's non-profit, no overhead whatsoever. Or you can donate online at:


and write Sose's Women Issues in the "This is in honor of" field.

Every dollar counts!
THANK YOU for making this possible!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Party is Over

As the Old New Year approaches and brings a close to the New New Year celebrations, I have decided to focus on my work with the precision of an Olympic athlete. Let's hope. Not everyone can turn their hobby into a day job. This is an attempt to make my dream a reality, and this blog is my creative exercise. I used to write for a magazine, but now I'm writing for myself. In addition to the writing, my photos are where real life and still life meet.